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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Leanne Ford's L.A. Home is the Definition of California Dreamy

Leanne Ford's L.A. Home is the Definition of California Dreamy



And it definitely has us California dreaming.

Domino posted a tour of designer and HGTV star Leanne Ford’s California home that she just listed for sale and man, it’s as pretty close to perfect as it gets. We can immediately see ourselves enjoying a glass of wine on one of her gorgeous white sofas while Janis Joplin plays in the background. Do you know what we mean? It has that cool, effortless, California style that begs you to relax while barefoot as you come in and out of the house from the movie-like backyard. Her laid back approach to design continues to inspire us with every project she reveals.

In the accompanying essay (that Leanne wrote herself) she talks about why she’s decided to list her home that she’s never felt more attached to and the importance of being closer to family since the pandemic started. Her words hit home for us, as one of the main reasons we’ve stayed in our hometown is because we can’t imagine living too far from our family. Old, dreamy houses to fix up can be found anywhere, but your family is almost always found in one place.



Leanne talks about her decision to honor the original design of the house while making subtle changes to bring it up to date. “I thought, I don’t want to fight this house; I want to go with it. It has storybook whimsy—the beautiful ivy on the brick, the magical old windows—that I couldn’t take away.” She proves how, when the bones of the house are good, you don’t have to completely remodel it from top to bottom to get the look you want.

We found the essay (and the house tour) completely inspiring and Leanne Ford remains a style, design, and all around icon to us. She does it again, y’all, and this time it might be her most gorgeous house yet. Congratulations, Leanne! We wish you all the best on you and your family’s decision to move closer to your loved ones!

Check out the full tour and read Leanne’s essay at Domino.com. xx


The Longing for Space & Release in the Time of COVID 19

The Longing for Space & Release in the Time of COVID 19

Feature Friday with Jorge Valencia and Morgan King

Feature Friday with Jorge Valencia and Morgan King