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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

We Voted Early Today!


Today was the day! Finally.

Friends, I can’t tell you how good we felt pressing that red button this morning. After early voting started here in Tennessee on October 14, we have been trying to carve out time to make it downtown to vote, but between work and our renovations and the kiddos and their schooling, we haven’t had the time.

But this morning, my mom sent a picture with her “voted” sticker on to our family group chat and I immediately called her. She said she just finished voting downtown and that there wasn’t a long line if we wanted to go real quick and vote. The best part? She said she would come over and watch the kids while we ran to do it. It was meant to be.


We immediately threw some clothes on (including our voting getup: matching VOTE shirts from Fourlaps and a black denim VO-TE jacket from AG Jeans) and, once she got here, jumped in the car to head downtown to vote.

She was right: when we got there, the line was noticeably smaller than anytime I had seen it in the past two weeks.We waited maybe five minutes at the most before it was our turn to vote, and one minute later, we were finished! In and out, which I felt so grateful for, because I know others who have had to wait hours in long lines, and how in some places, it’s more difficult than ever to vote.

waiting in line to vote

Have you voted yet? We are exactly ONE week away from the election, and I don’t know if I have ever been more excited (or motivated) to vote in my entire life. Nov 3, for better or for worse, can’t get here soon enough.

For information on voting, click here.

Why Everyone Loves Fall So Much

"Does (Older Brother) Need a Ferret?"