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"Does (Older Brother) Need a Ferret?"

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That was an actual question PJ texted me yesterday as I was dropping off apparel orders at the PO Box. This man, y’all. He has loved animals since he was a child and somehow has had every animal known to man, including a ferret at one point, and he told me he used to hide them in his hoodie pocket and take them into stores with him when he was little. How cute is that?

For the love of all that is holy we do not need another animal in our house. But I wonder if it would be good for older brother? To teach him more responsibility? Or will it be one of those things where I will be the one cleaning the ferret’s poop and feeding them and basically taking care of them 24/7? After doing some research I learned ferrets like company, so we would have to get at least two if we wanted it to be happy. Yikes.

I thought about how much work that would be for a good 10 seconds and then PJ proceeded to show me YouTube videos of how goofy and crazy and cute ferrets are and NOW I WANT A FERRET TOO.

For older brother, of course.

(images via here)

We Voted Early Today!

Do You Agree with Your Spouse Politically?