Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

We Gave Our Website a Small Refresh for the New Year!


Emphasis on the small! Blink and you might just miss it ;).

Much like how switching out curtains or getting new pillows can change the overall feel of a room, that’s more or less the equivalent of what happened here on the blog. We were going to wait until the new year to unveil the subtle changes, but we decided to go ahead and go live with the new logo and headline font. We’re going to be rolling out some new designs/colors on our sweatshirts and possibly new products (!) next year, so it seemed fitting to update our website to a design we both feel fits us better overall. You can see what the old font and logo looked like below:


There’s something about the new year that gives you permission to start fresh on whatever you want. It feels like a new start almost, even though you were the exact same person 24 hrs before. Do you know what we mean? It’s like with New Year’s resolutions. They’re kind of silly in theory, but we make them every year and only half stick to them, and you better believe we’ll be making them again in a few weeks.

Happy Monday, friends! Let’s make it a good one!

How Climate Change Impacts Displaced People

How Climate Change Impacts Displaced People

Y’all Have a Warm & Cozy Weekend