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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Dinner at Mom’s

Dinner at Mom’s

I know it’s been written at least a thousand times on this blog, but it bears repeating, so even though I sound like a broken record, bear with me: I truly don’t know what we would do if our moms didn’t live right down the road. It’s such a comfort knowing they’re always there to, say, come over for dinner at the last minute on a Sunday evening.

Which is exactly what happened tonight.

My mom took Riah all day and then, when I called her to come get him, asked if we had eaten dinner yet. I said we hadn’t but were figuring out what to make. She said she had a big pot of white chicken chili on the stove and that there was enough for all of us if we wanted to come. So that’s just what we did.

After dinner, the kids ran around her backyard while PJ cleaned up the kitchen for her. These two, y’all. I don’t know what I did to deserve them.

Also, how cute is it that she keeps the kids’ heights on the door trim in her office?

Basically this was just a very good, beautiful day, and at the same time nothing extraordinary happened, but I want to remember it for years and years. Also, the farm was being especially generous with its gorgeousness today:

And here was my office this afternoon when our new vlog premiered:

PS: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Picking Out the Countertops for Holiday House

Picking Out the Countertops for Holiday House

A Quick Day Trip to Atlanta

A Quick Day Trip to Atlanta