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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Overcoming the Sunday Scaries

Overcoming the Sunday Scaries

I used to hate Sundays growing up. I definitely had the Sunday Scaries; you know, the existential dread you feel right before the week begins, knowing your weekend is over and it’s back to reality. But since we’ve been working for ourselves and, in turn, from home for the last five years, those have gone away, and I have come to love Sundays.

In particular, today was an especially delightful one. We stayed home all day and I worked on this week’s issue of the newsletter while our kids went to church, two with their aunt and one with my mom. I made eggs and toast and the house was silent for a bit while the sun poured through every single window of our home the entire day. PJ mowed the lawn and took the Land Cruiser battery to the shop to get it working again. And after all the bad weather we’ve had lately, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, finally. And even though it was cold, I swear, just the sun being out made today worth remembering. We’ve needed a little sunshine lately.

Also, PJ picked these daffodils from our backyard that he brought home from our favorite city in the world, and they bring us so much joy every year. I love how much he loves flowers and plants and making our home beautiful.

And would you believe that I don’t have a delete for today? That’s okay to do sometimes, isn’t it?

New Spring Staple: The Sweater Polo

New Spring Staple: The Sweater Polo

A Little Early Spring Cleaning Can Make All the Difference

A Little Early Spring Cleaning Can Make All the Difference