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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

A Quick Catch Up On the Kids This Week

A Quick Catch Up On the Kids This Week

I’m currently sitting next to our son’s hospital bed writing this in the dark.

We’re at our home away from home, AKA the hospital, where we’ve been too many times to count over the last few years to monitor his epilepsy. He used to have absence seizures frequently, but ever since he’s been on medication, they don’t happen anymore. We come here every six months for a check up, and this morning, after staying up late and waking up before sunrise, we’re here again for an EEG to see if he can finally get off his medication because he’s responded so well to it.

He’s such a trooper. I don’t think anyone else could handle all the back and forth and all the tests and the medicine and the pokes he’s had over the years as well as he has.

Right now he has wires on his mummy-wrapped head and he’s sound asleep, utterly exhausted from being sleep-deprived the night before. He was only allowed a maximum of five hours of sleep, a big difference from the 12 he usually gets. We’re supposed to be here for a total of six hours, but I am hoping we will be able to leave before then.

In other news, our daughter had her first real homework last night and was so excited she almost burst. She took her time, shaking and nodding her head when I explained the directions to her. It was math, in a sense. She had to count the number of grey dots in the graph and then color a different pattern of grey dots beneath the graph. She aced it!

And lastly, our oldest son came home and said he’s almost certain his friend has a crush on him. Are we already at that age? Did we skip ahead a few years? Surely those kind of thoughts and feelings aren’t for a while down the road? However, when I stop and think about it, I had my first girlfriend in the 3rd grade, which is where he’s at now.

Time moves too fast.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

Our Backyard Garden at Home

Our Backyard Garden at Home