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The Book I Brought to the Beach

The Book I Brought to the Beach

Whenever we make our way down to the beach, I always try to bring a book with me. As I’ve gotten older I have found I crave sitting in a chair on the beach, listening to our kids playing and the waves crashing, and getting lost in a good book.

I tend to only read a few pages at a time before wanting to get in the water to cool off, but there’s something about being at the beach, away from our ordinary every life, while reading a book that also transports you away from your ordinary, every day life that is just so fun and relaxing.

The book I brought with me this time is called “The Dinner List” by Rebecca Serle. It’s about Sabrina, a woman who suddenly finds herself eating with the five people on her “dinner list”. You know, that list, the one we’ve all made where you could choose to have dinner with five people, dead or alive, just for a night.

Set against the charming and romantic backdrop of New York City, I t’s a fascinating tale of regret, love, and the choices we make and the impact they have on not just ourselves, but our loved ones. Sabrina is eating with very important people in her life, both past and present, including…Audrey Hepburn. It’s neat to read the dialogue between Audrey and the other characters and imagine how she might talk and handle certain situations. She’s presented by the author as poised and wise, and the whole time I am reading I imagine myself being in her presence and sharing a meal with her, too.

The book’s official description says:

“When Sabrina arrives at her thirtieth birthday dinner she finds at the table not just her best friend, but also three significant people from her past, and well, Audrey Hepburn. As the appetizers are served, wine poured, and dinner table conversation begins, it becomes clear that there’s a reason these six people have been gathered together.”

It’s a very fun, cozy, digestible novel that is easy to dive into, and I just got to the part of the book where a twist is revealed and now I am dying to finish it. If you’ve read it, don’t spoil the ending for me!!!

Overall, I highly recommend it, and at just under 300 pages, it’s the perfect book to bring with you to the beach. xoxo

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Five Takeaways from the 2022 UNHCR Global Trends Report

Five Takeaways from the 2022 UNHCR Global Trends Report