Hey you

Welcome to the blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses, all through the lens of Keep & Delete, where we share the best (Keep) and worst (Delete) part of every day. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

From Where I Sit

From Where I Sit

It’s 9:30 pm. I am sitting on the couch with the kids as they watch their iPads (vacation only!) and PJ hangs our new blinds in the windows at the beach shack. I never want to forget this moment because even though I am exhausted and a little too full from dinner tonight, I feel so content and happy.

We’ve been working so hard towards getting to stay in this cottage and I can’t believe it’s finally here. And by we, I of course mean PJ, who has poured so much of his sweat and time and energy into fixing up this 1940’s home. It looks nothing like it did when we bought it, which is the reason I think I can’t believe we’re actually getting to stay in it already; so much has changed within this 720 square foot house and it only took a year.

Where there wasn’t a kitchen floor last summer because PJ ripped it out to replace it, Riah is now eating cold pizza on the counter. Where there wasn’t a primary bathroom because it didn’t exist, now PJ is measuring for a future mirror above our vanity. Where the only existing bathroom held a shower that was caving in and a roof that was doing the same, now all three kids can rinse their sandy bodies off when we get back from the beach every day.

Have I mentioned that’s the whole reason we bought this little shack? We’re able to grab some towels and our umbrellas and walk to the beach. In fact, we can see the ocean from the front of our driveway. PJ has always dreamed of owning a house by the beach, and though it’s small and nothing too fancy, it’s ours, and it’s his dream that he made come true.

I’m just grateful we get to experience it coming true right along with him.

Bigger is Not Always Better

Bigger is Not Always Better

The Word for the Day