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Picking Blackberries at the Farm

Picking Blackberries at the Farm

The other day, just as we were leaving the farm to head home on a mission to stain a few doors for Holiday House, PJ made a detour through the field.

I asked him what we were doing and he said, “Should we go pick some blackberries?” Before I could even answer, he said “Okay, let’s do it.” And so we did. We have so many blackberry bushes in our large field in the middle of the farm, and PJ and the kids have actually picked them before, but I never have. Why haven’t I made the time to stop, slow down, and simply just be at the farm as much as my family has? I asked myself this question when we were finished because I got so much enjoyment out of the whole process.

Anna was with her aunt, so it was just us and the boys, who filled up their shirts with the most beautiful little berries, each one staining all of our fingers as we plucked them from their prickly vines.

And it was good.

It was quiet and there was a nice summer breeze that kept it from being too hot as the sun hung over our heads. The grass was tall in a way that made you feel like you wanted to run through it at full speed. It’s funny how we’re at the farm all the time, but I usually only go to the same spots over and over again. Rarely do I make it to this part of the field, the part that PJ always spares when he mows with the big tractor because this is where all the blackberry bushes are. My guy. Always planning ahead.

I told PJ I was going to make a big deal of this entire experience because I’d never done anything like this before. He basically grew up at his mammaw’s house where she had a million fruits and veggies in her gardens, and he and his cousins would spend their summer days doing just this- going out and picking blackberries or whatever else she had and his grandma would make something out of it- blackberry jam, cakes, pies, etc. So for him, this is like no big deal.

But for me, this small, seemingly mundane activity was totally new. I grew up in the middle of town and, even though we’ve had the farm for four years now, I’ve just sadly, and regrettably, never taken the time. I had so much fun though, and once we’re living at the farm full time, I plan to do a lot more slow, enjoyable things like this. I’ve never been as big into nature as PJ has, but this 15 minutes made me realize I love it more than I thought I did.

When we got home, PJ immediately started making blackberry jam and putting it into jars. I am eating it on toast as we speak! It’s deeeeeelicious.

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The Most Delicious Homemade Strawberry Cake

The Most Delicious Homemade Strawberry Cake