Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Have a Beautiful Friday Night

Have a Beautiful Friday Night

Happy Friday loves!

What are you up to this weekend? We’re going to be working nonstop to get our influx of campaigns taken care of before Father’s Day, but something tells me this year we’ll be working on that day anyway.

But for now, we’re celebrating today! Here’s what happened on our very productive Friday:

We woke up and went to an estate sale a few streets over to check out what goodies this gorgeous old house had stored inside. It’s a home I have always adored and I've wanted to see what the inside looks like for years, and it did not disappoint. I was sad to find out it had already sold (not that we need another house anyway), but happy to find two paintings to take home to ease the sting a little. You can see one of them hanging in our living room in the photo above.

Then, we went to lunch with PJ’s cousins and their kids, who are like siblings with ours. We try to see each other at least once a month, but life happens and keeps us more separated than we’d like. But today was so nice to sit and catch up for a bit on the patio of a local restaurant while the kids ran around with each other. Bonus: Lauren (PJ’s cousin) gave us a box full of her girls’ old clothes that now fit Anna.

Please look at how gorgeous our daughter is in this floral number:

While PJ and Allan ran to the farm to feed the animals, I edited a video for an upcoming campaign and sent some emails. Then, my mom stopped by to say hi for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, a few hours later and after PJ and Allan got home, PJ’s mom and sister walked over to see our new pig. Our little town isn’t perfect, but I sure do love living so close to family.

After that, my mom stopped back by to collect some Ocoee Farm eggs. The kids took a few cartons to her car and we all caught up once again in the middle of the street. Have I mentioned how much I love living so close to our moms?

So now we’re ending the day with me sipping on a glass of wine, PJ getting back from a run around the neighborhood, and the boys wrestling in the living room, which inevitably ended in one of them crying. Life at the McKay House!

Hope you have a great weekend xoxo

Father's Day 2023

Father's Day 2023

Let Me Introduce You To Our Newest Farm Animal

Let Me Introduce You To Our Newest Farm Animal