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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Why Surprise Visitors are the Best Kind

Why Surprise Visitors are the Best Kind

Today, my younger sister Sydney and her fiancé Elana surprised us with a knock on our front door. They were in town and decided to pay us a little visit with their weenie dog, Winston. I love spontaneous pop in visits so much.

They stayed and chatted for a while and before long, it was time to go to the farm to feed and check on all the animals. I asked if they wanted to drive all the way out there with us and they, surprisingly to me, said yes. They hadn’t been to the farm or Holiday House is so long and so much has changed out there, so I was excited for them to see everything.

It’s always such a good feeling when people make the drive to the farm. It’s not super far by any means, but it’s still a good ways away, and I know how we sometimes feel when we know we have to go all the way out there to feed the animals or check on something. It can be taxing, so whenever someone comes to visit the farm, it feels like they’re saying, “I love and care about you THIS much.” It’s just such a good feeling. Do you know what I mean?

We all drove out to Ocoee Farm and we showed them around on this rather chilly and windy day. They loved the new tile in the bathrooms at Holiday House as we gave them a tour of it, with Elana saying she wanted to use the exact same tile that’s in our primary bathroom for her kitchen backsplash in their new house. And of course, they were excited seeing the donkeys for the first time because who isn’t? I shared the names we’re thinking of naming them and Sydney approved, so I think we have a few winners.

What would we do if we ever moved away and our family couldn’t come visit us whenever they (and we) wanted?

DIY Project: How to Give a Vase Texture and Patina

All About the New Velvet Curtains in Our Living Room

All About the New Velvet Curtains in Our Living Room