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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Our Quick Little Trip to the Beach

Our Quick Little Trip to the Beach

We made the absolute quickest and shortest trip to the beach in I think…ever? We’re back home now, so let’s take a little look at the day and a half we were down there.

The entire purpose of the trip was to bring a bathroom vanity down to the beach cottage for the guest bath. We found this gorgeous double vanity at Southeastern Salvage and knew it would be perfect for the guest bathroom. It has a very laid back, beachy vibe to it and looks great with the tile we had put in.

You’ll have to wait to see it!!

We only spent one day at the beach, womp womp. It rained the rest of the time we were there. The kids made the most of their one day, though, spending hours and hours playing in the water, only taking breaks to eat leftover pizza on the beach (are they living the life or are they living the life?).

I was a little surprised by how hot it was down there- in the mid ti upper 80’s. We aren’t used to that level of heat just yet here in Tennessee!!

Another main reason we went on this specific weekend is because the kids were out of school for Good Friday, but also because PJ’s entire family was down there!! His mom, younger sister, two aunts, grandma, and his aunt’s friend all rented a house just down the street from us.

We’ve gone to the beach with his family every year for the past three years now, and I love the family time we get with them. They play with the kids at the beach, which of course gives us some down time to relax. What would we do without them?

We have these two gorgeous trees in our backyard at the beach cottage that the kids absolutely love to climb on every time we’re there, Allan especially. If we ever wanted a pool back there, they would have to go, but I think we’ll forgo a pool just for the sake of never having to cut them down.

The night before we left, we went to one of our favorite restaurants down there, Mike’s Oyster Bar & Grill. It’s nothing fancy, just super causal and the food is always so delicious.

There’s a bit of a wait on a Friday night, but it’s always worth it. I got the shrimp po’boy!

We were only there for the weekend, and actually left a day early because the weather was so crappy. We left at 4p and got home around 12:30a, which is actually a super easy drive since the kids sleep a lot of it.

All together it was a super quick trip but oh so fun, and a necessary one in order to get things done so we can hopefully stay in the beach cottage this summer!!!

How We Quietly Celebrated My 32nd Birthday

How We Quietly Celebrated My 32nd Birthday

6 Wreaths for Spring (Plus 3 Ways to Makeover Your Front Door!)

6 Wreaths for Spring (Plus 3 Ways to Makeover Your Front Door!)