Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Have a Lovely Friday Night!

Have a Lovely Friday Night!

Dear reader, how was your week?

It’s finally starting to get cold again, for real real this time. As in, it’s here to stay and I don’t think it will be hot again until spring. You don’t know how much joy this brings me. It means sweaters and layers and wearing all the clothes I look forward to wearing all year.

My friend Mallory and her girls came over tonight for chocolate chip cookies and Nintendo Switch, and it’s become somewhat of a habit the last few Fridays. “Friday night party? You don’t have to feed us, we just ate” was the text I received from her tonight, and I couldn’t type back fast enough. “YES!” I responded. We have been friends for 17 years now, and I love that we’re raising kids together and going through all the parenting moments with each other. It feels comforting in a way.

In other news, the newest issue of our Substack newsletter, Okay McKay, came out today!! You can click here to read my thoughts on getting older and aging, and how I am actually excited about it.

Lastly, we’re releasing our annual Holiday Gift Guide next week, so be on the lookout for that!!

Hope you enjoy, and hope you have a lovely weekend, friends! xoxo

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Decorating the Christmas Tree

A Monkey Bars Moment at the Park

A Monkey Bars Moment at the Park