Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

We Haven't Done This in More Than Two Years

And no, it’s not mop our floors (you’ll sadly understand that completely if you saw our Instagram story last week).

Last night for Valentine’s Day, PJ and I went to the movies. Alone. Just the two of us. And you know what? It was so nice. And it was nice not just because we basically had the entire theater all to ourselves (we were one of only three couples seeing Death on the Nile, which was, side note, so good!) but because we had a night out together, without the kids, which is not a normal occurrence.

After the movie, we came home to find our children in bed and my mom packing things up to head out. I saw on one of our nanny cams that she was in bed with Riah reading him a book before lights out and I felt my heart swelling. How lucky are we to have her? I remember her always reading to us as kids before bed and in my humble opinion, she has the best reading voice. So grateful our kids get to hear it for themselves.

Meanwhile, before the movie began, the trailers were playing and we saw a preview for Uncharted, the new Tom Holland movie and it looks so good. Maybe we’ll get lucky and have my mom watch the kids again and do the exact same thing next week.

Just maybe.

A Magical Night on the Back Porch

Happy Valentine’s Day!