Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

We’re Traveling for the First Time in Over a Year and a Half (!)

Well. This was unexpected.

A very last minute travel opportunity came up and we decided to say yes to it! The last time we were on a plane was in January of 2020, right before the pandemic shut everything down. It feels weird to be traveling on a plane again, and especially weird to be away from the kids, but it’s a super short trip and we’ll be home by tomorrow night.

The funny thing is that the last trip we took before everything came to a screeching halt was to Utah and now, our first trip in forever is also to Utah! I almost forgot how beautiful Utah is, with the looming mountains hovering over us everywhere we look. It’s a magical, if not a little mysterious, place.

We miss the kids pretty bad, but we keep telling ourselves it’s good to get a break every now and then, especially after over a year and a half of being together every day. We will see them tomorrow night when we get home and when we do, we plan to give them the biggest, squishiest hugs ever.

Hello Old Friend

Feeling Better Every Day & Happy Friday!