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It Was Only a Matter of Time & Happy Friday


Happy Friday, friends.

How was your week? Ours was…interesting. So much progress was made at the farm this week, thanks in part to our friends Matt and Beau helping PJ install new windows at Holiday House, and the ceilings on half the house getting new drywall and paint! The pond is also coming along. It’s thisclose to being finished and it looks incredible. I was going to wait to post these pictures but I can’t. PJ sent me these earlier and I am in love with our future pond, if that’s even possible:

pond 1.jpg
pond 2.jpg

Meanwhile, I have been feeling awful the last few days, with a fever and chills and aches. I’ve lost the ability to smell or taste anything and have had the worst headache. I got tested yesterday and, two minutes ago, got the results in. It’s official: I have covid. Luckily, I am vaccinated and don’t think it will be as bad as if I weren’t, but still, this virus is no joke friends.

The weird thing is, I actually feel somewhat better today. I’m still very tired, lethargic and all around blah, but I have no fever (thankfully) and my aches and chills are gone. I’m hoping they don’t come back, though I know everything usually gets worse at night. The worst were the first few days, even up until last night. My fever got up to 101.8 at its highest, and all last night I was so cold. I couldn’t get warm, even in the extremely hot bath I took I was still shivering.

I think the hardest thing about this whole deal, or maybe the most annoying, is that I’ve lost the ability to smell and taste. Even when my nose isn’t stuffy, I can’t smell a thing. And in regards to tasting, it’s funny how quickly you start missing how good food is. The past two days I’ve been eating because I feel hungry, not because I enjoy the taste of food. I couldn’t taste my mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup she brought me this morning and I feel very sad about that. It’s always soooo good, but I’m afraid I won’t know if it needs more salt or if there’s too much thyme in it. Still, I was so grateful for that big pot of soup this morning. What would we do without our mothers?

So now the quarantining begins for all of us. The kids won’t be going back to school for a while, and I don’t think I will be spending much time around them (or PJ?) for the next week or so :(. My older sister, who has six kids, had covid a few weeks back and spent 10 days in her room, without her husband and without her kids, while she recovered. She is mostly better now, though she still gets tired and fatigued easily.

It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Even though I wear masks everywhere and social distance and I’m vaccinated, I still got it. I am extremely thankful I am vaccinated, because I know it could be so much worse than what it is right now. If you want more info about quarantining and isolation, here are the official rules, straight from the CDC.

I’m hoping for the best, and despite everything, I’m wishing you a happy weekend, friends.


Update: thank you all so much for the well wishes!! Means a lot ❤️

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Rest?

The 2021 Peak Fall Foliage Map