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Missing This Today: Barcelona


Good morning, friends.

Thanks for all the love on yesterday’s post- it meant a lot!

I am currently drinking coffee, the sun is pouring through the living room windows, and it’s a beautiful 63 degrees outside, which means it’s a totally blissful morning here at Holiday House. BUT. I’m feeling nostalgic. What else is new?

I was going through my phone looking for photos when I came across these from our trip to Barcelona 2 years ago (!). I haven’t had an itch to travel in some time, as we’ve been enjoying time at home with our family and spending our days at Holiday House, but for some reason, seeing these pictures has me wanting to travel again, only this time with the kids.

We want to show them how beautiful the world is far beyond Tennessee. We want them to experience different cultures and see how people live in other parts of the world. I can’t imagine how tricky and difficult (?) it is to travel with little kids, but I think the want is so big right now that we’re up for the challenge. Maybe one day soon!


Though we were only in Barcelona for 24 hours (click here to watch the vlog of our trip), I remember how magical I thought the city was. It felt like you were in an exotic location while also being in the middle of a big, bustling city at the same time. I loved the old streets and beautiful buildings, and the way the streets felt so alive, even early in the morning.

We climbed to the roof of the hotel we were staying at to take these pictures as the sun was coming up and I felt so energized; like anything was possible and the day could really be whatever we wanted it to be. But, do you want to know a secret? I get that feeling out at Holiday House, too.


A trip abroad might be a tall order for traveling with them for the first time, but a trip to the beach is in the works this year already!!! We can’t wait to see their faces when they see the ocean for the first time.

Have a lovely day, friends! xo

Good Morning

The Most Magical Day

The Most Magical Day