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The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse


The other day, my mom told me about the most beautiful, touching book.

She couldn’t stop talking about it, going on and on about how she read it cover to cover twice and how much she thought I would love it. It’s called The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse; have you read it? I was immediately drawn to the beautiful illustrations, but the heartfelt words and lessons are what really make this book a must read.

She let me borrow the book for a night and this past weekend at Holiday House, after the kiddos went to bed and PJ passed out early on the couch, I popped some popcorn, poured some wine, and read it in just a few minutes. It’s pretty short, but it’s also one of those books that you don’t want to put down. The introduction points out that you can start at the end, in the middle, or in the beginning; the messages will come through all the same.


It’s filled with uplifting life lessons that are important to know and remember know matter how old (or young) you are and no matter where you’re at in life. If you’re going through a rough patch, may you find comfort in exchanges between the characters, like:

“Sometimes I worry you’ll all realize I'm ordinary,” said the boy.

“Love doesn’t need you to be extraordinary.” said the mole.

How beautiful (and true) is that? The author, Charlie Macksey, is also the illustrator, and “began as a cartoonist for The Spectator and a book illustrator for Oxford University Press before being taken on by galleries” according to his website. Elizabeth Gilbert gushes, “The world that I am required to inhabit is this one. But the world that I long to inhabit is the one that Charlie Mackesy has created.” Can’t say I disagree with her.

This book would make a great gift for any occasion, even if just to let someone know you’re thinking of them. My 30th birthday is coming up (!) and my mom said if I’m lucky, I might just get it for a birthday present. You’re never too old to receive birthday presents from your mom, right?

House of Gucci

Good Morning from Holiday House