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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Building a Temporary Pond (While We Wait for the Bigger One)


Good afternoon, friends!

We’ve spent the last five days out here at Holiday House and this blog may or may not just be all about our life out here from now on. Kidding, but only sort of. Would you get tired of nothing but stories and pictures of the kids roaming the land and PJ building/working on something new? I know I wouldn’t.

We love our life out here. We love how we feel waking up here. We love what it feels like spending more time outside than inside (when weather permits). We love how much freedom our animals have. We just love being here so much. So hopefully you don’t get tired of me ranting about it!


You know how I mentioned we’re in the process of building a big pond on our property? Well PJ has been working on a temporary “pond” of his own for the kiddos to swim in now that it’s getting warmer. Last night, just before the sun went down, we walked down to where the mountain run-off creates a little stream and PJ started digging and the kiddos helped by stacking every rock we could find (sidetone: we have a ton of them near the stream and hope to use them in some way on a future house one day) to create a dam to contain the temporary pond. It only took about an hour and it was actually really fun for everyone! The kids have been getting into helping us on the land lately, which is so rewarding to see.

Hopefully they don’t grow out of that desire to help too quickly.


It’s so peaceful hearing the water fall down over the rocks and hearing the frogs croak as the sun is setting. I know it’s only temporary, and all of it will have to be dug up and replaced when we build our actual (much bigger) pond, but it’s nice to have it while we do.

PJ has these ideas of what he knows something can be and then he just does it and (at the risk of sounding cheesy and sappy) I am always left in amazement when he’s finished. I swear, y’all, there’s nothing that man can’t build/do when he puts his mind to it.


We’re off to go swim in the water for a bit while we have a few days of sunny, warm weather! Happy Monday y’all!!

Spending All Day Outside

A Cold and Misty Morning