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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Importance of Having a Daily Schedule


It’s been one of those weeks. Actually, it’s been one of those years, hasn’t it?

Those were the exact words our case worker and I said when we did our weekly FaceTime meeting today, after missing it for four days in a row (coordinating schedules is difficult!). We’ve been going nonstop for the last four-five months but for some reason, this week slowed down for us, and we had a few days of down time, and friends…it felt so so so good.


We caught up on TV, PJ has been working every day at our flip house, and we’ve been going out to the land nonstop to let the kiddos run around, though, it’s been so cold lately that that last one has been a little tricky: sis doesn’t like the cold one bit and every time we say we’re going to the land lately, she says “Iont wanna toe wiand” (which basically translates into “I don’t wanna go to the land”) while violently shaking her hand in the air. It’s hard being three!!

The weather has been so awful lately (sending love to those of you in Texas!), so older brother’s school has been out this week, and for some reason, it’s thrown me off our schedule. I’ve found I like the structure that daily tasks bring: school for older brother in the morning, cleaning the kitchen and picking up the house while glancing every now and then at the morning talk shows, sending emails and feeding the dogs, etc. It feels good to be productive, and having a schedule (especially when you work from home and control your own) is essential for me to get things done. Do you know what I mean?


This was kind of a random thought-dump of a post, so kudos to you for making it this far. Hope you had a great week, friends, and happy Friday!! xoxo

PS: please click here to help those in Texas, if you can.

Switching Things Up

From a Child’s Perspective