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The Boys' First Basketball Practice

I can’t believe it’s finally here.

Last night, as the wind slapped our cheeks and bit at our necks, the boys and I walked hand in hand to their school gym for their first ever basketball practice! PJ signed them up for basketball this year and we’re so excited for them to have that outlet. I think it’ll teach them both lessons they need to learn at this age and of course, it’ll be a way for them to release all the energy they have, what seems, like all the time.

Still, in my head, they’re not yet old enough to join a basketball team. Before kids, I always heard how fast they grow up, how you blink and they’re a year older, and now that we have them, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a truer sentiment. The days are long, but the years are short.

And yes, I made them pose for a photo before walking in. I dread the day when they refuse and don’t want to take pictures, but for now they’re always happy to oblige (and, at times, even ask me to record or take pictures of them- it’s so cute).

They’re so close in age that they’re on the same team, and they were partners at practice tonight. I was SO PROUD. Allan made four baskets and has such good form while shooting. He’s a natural. Riah is a good shooter, too, though we need to work on focusing and obeying the coach. But it’s only the first practice, so I expect things to be a little wonky.

Overall I was so proud of them and they had a blast. I was always very self-conscious playing sports growing up. I don’t particularly like sports (except tennis!), but I felt compelled to play them when I was younger so I appeared straight; so that my classmates wouldn’t think I was gay. Did you ever do the same? I’m not particularly athletic, so I was never any good at soccer or basketball or football, but I played them nonetheless and, looking back all these years later, I realize now that all of it was good for me. It got me out of my comfort zone and forced me to do things I wouldn’t have done otherwise. Do I like the reason I chose to do sports (out of fear of people thinking I was gay)? Not really, but I am grateful I did it nonetheless.

The boys are excited to come back next week and even more excited to get their uniforms soon and start playing actual games. This is going to be such a fun year!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

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