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For the First Time in 4 Years, I Feel Hopeful


The importance of today cannot be overstated.

I want to start off by saying how I have personally felt over the last four years, and that is uncomfortable, worried, uneasy, and unsafe. I shared my feelings and beliefs this summer on the blog and they were in turn shared on a FB group who, let’s say did not share the same feelings as me towards the last administration. I don’t want to get too much into that, nor do I want to spend too much time writing about the negative effects of our old President. Instead, I would love to discuss some takeaways from today’s inauguration.

I had been looking forward to today for the last four years. That sounds like a joke, but I am so very serious. When Biden was elected President at the end of last year, I, as millions of others, let out the biggest sigh of relief. I immediately felt hope, optimism, relief, excitement, and at ease. I knew the future looked so much brighter than what we’d experienced during the last administration. I know America has so much work to do to make up for the last 4 years of lies and corruption and violence and racism, but I have to believe we’re all up to the task.

It will feel strange to live in a country where the current administration listens to scientists and facts, where they empower and accept minorities and don’t try to oppress people’s rights just because they look different than they do. Biden’s cabinet picks are officially the most diverse of any President. History!!! Speaking of, so much history was made today. Can you believe it? Vice President Kamala Harris (can I just say how much I love writing that entire title?) is the first woman, and first woman of color, to become Vice President of the United States. Black women all across America DID THAT. The Democratic Party seems to always be at the forefront of change, of breaking through barriers, and I am so proud to call myself a Democrat today. And don’t even get me started (or do) on Amanda Gorman and her breathtaking and beautiful poem “The Hill We Climb”. I got chills and started to tear up listening to her stunning, timely words and rhymes. Highly recommend watching.


I feel confident that the next 4 years will be a time of positive change here in America. Where climate change and racial injustice and Covid-19 will be taken seriously and dealt with appropriately, instead of being dismissed and tossed under the rug. I feel confident that there is still so much hard work ahead of us all, but together, and with strength and determination, we can achieve greatness as a unified country. We are still so divided as a whole, and it’s somewhat overwhelming to think about all that must be done to right all the wrongs we’ve caused, and not just in the last 4 years, but the last few hundred years.

As a member of a minority group it’s easy to feel like our wants and needs are overlooked, even as the gay rights movement has picked up substantially over the last decade. I definitely didn’t feel like it was a priority during the last administration, but I feel like things will be different this time around. We have a President who is intelligent, compassionate, caring, and seems to have the people’s best interest at heart, especially those in minority groups.


Don’t get me wrong. I do not agree with everything Democrats stand for and believe in. I loved Obama, but he was not a perfect President, nor a perfect man. But mostly, I had faith in him and supported him and truly believed he put America first. To put it plainly, I did not feel that way about 45.

But a new dawn is on the horizon and there is electricity in the air and optimism in our hearts. A new year, a new presidency. Same problems, same country, but a renewed sense of possibility is taking over and I can’t shake the feeling of hope I’ve had all day. All day I’ve been at peace, smiling and taking deep breaths and savoring this historic moment. Living in the south, in a conservative town, it’s easy to get lost in the politics, but today felt different. Today was different.

May we all go forward with love in our hearts and compassion leading the way. We have so much work to do, but something tells me we’re all willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears that it requires. For the first time in 4 years, I feel hopeful for the future and what it means for us all.

PS: The Deep Meaning of the Color Purple at the Biden Inauguration

The Significance of the Bible Joe Biden is Using on Inauguration Day

above photos via Variety, APNews, Deadline.

Have a Great Weekend

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