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Lifetime’s First LGBTQ+ Holiday Movie!


Hooray for diversity! And inclusion!

Lifetime just announced that real-life married couple Blake Lee and Ben Lewis will star in the network’s first film to feature an LGBTQ+ romance as the main storyline.

The film, called “The Christmas Set Up”, according to NBC News, centers around “Hugo (Lewis), a New York lawyer, and his best friend, Madelyn (Wong), as Hugo spends the holidays in Milwaukee with his matchmaking mom, Kate (Drescher). When Kate sets Hugo up with Patrick (Lee), Hugo’s high school friend and secret crush, there is an undeniable, mutual attraction between the two. But when Hugo receives news of a job promotion in London, he must choose what is most important to him.”

To be honest, I’ve never actually seen a Lifetime holiday movie before (my mother in law loves them), but I will definitely be watching this one. And the fact that the main characters are married in real life makes it 1000 times cuter.

There hasn’t been a release date announced yet, but it will air during the network’s annual “It’s a Wonderful Lifetime”. Can’t wait!!

(above photo via here)

Pork Tenderloin in a Creamy Thyme Sauce

Pork Tenderloin in a Creamy Thyme Sauce

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