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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

Oh You Didn't Hear? We're Early Risers Now

Oh You Didn't Hear? We're Early Risers Now


This morning I was gently awoken by my husband’s soft voice whispering into my ear that there was a giant raccoon on our roof (where he had just returned from) and that it was time to get up. It was 5 am.

In the 10 years that we’ve been together, I have always been the one to wake up early before anyone else. I love mornings and I love getting an early start on the day. It makes me feel productive, like I can conquer anything the day throws at me. PJ, on the other hand, loves his sleep and needs at least 9-10 hours a night (so he says). Which is why it’s so surprising that for the last two weeks he’s been waking up earlier and earlier, starting his day before the sun even comes up.

For the reason behind it, though, I feel so much joy. Remember when I mentioned he has his spark back? A lot of it is because he’s been waking up super early every morning to go to work on the new flip house! He told me the other day that he’ll wake up in the middle of the night and check his phone to see if it’s early enough to get up yet. Sometimes it is (5am) and sometimes it’s not (3:45am). Isn’t that so cute? He looks forward to getting up and going to work even before he goes to bed the night before. I can’t tell you how happy and proud I am to see that joy and drive back in my husband.


So anyway, back to this morning. We have been hearing these little footsteps coming from our ceiling in our bedroom for over a month now and could never figure out what it was. For a while we thought we had a mouse problem because it sounded like it was coming from inside the walls/ceiling. Then we found a massive pile of poop on our roof outside our office window upstairs. Yuck. We knew it was bigger than a mouse but we still weren’t sure what it was. The sound of little feet pattering above us woke PJ up this morning at 5am so he decided to finally investigate. He proceeded to tell me he went upstairs and looked out the window and saw a huge raccoon (bigger than Meryl and Alyster, he said) on our roof running around, and when it saw PJ, it took off. PJ then CLIMBED ONTO THE ROOF while it was still pitch black outside and in his briefs and tried to chase it down. I’m sorry, what?! What a way to wake up.


Regardless, I suppose I should thank the raccoon for waking him up, and in turn, waking me up, early. It was so nice to sit with PJ in the living room this morning while we sipped our coffee in the dim light and he drew up some of his fun and exciting plans for the new flip house. I love seeing what he comes up with for all of the projects he’s always working on. I love to see where his mind takes him and how far he can stretch his creativity (spoiler: pretty far).

So now that it’s 7am and I’ve already had my coffee, showered, and eaten, I feel like I can pretty much do anything today. Isn’t it funny how waking up early can set the tone and mindset for your whole day? It feels like anything is possible. I may even put on a collared shirt just for the hell of it. I’m about to get breakfast started, as I hear one of the kiddos waking up now. Here we go!

Hope you had a wonderful morning, too.


3 Cozy Sweaters for Fall

What Do You Call Your Grandma?

What Do You Call Your Grandma?