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Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Beauty of Sleeping in + Our Favorite Time of the Day

The Beauty of Sleeping in + Our Favorite Time of the Day


Good morning friends. With the kiddos being home from school and nowhere for any of us to rush off to each day, one thing has changed big time for us in the last few weeks…

We’ve been sleeping in a few more hours each morning! It’s been such a silver lining during this scary time, getting a little more sleep and waking up with the sun shining through the blinds. We wake up, make our way downstairs to the smell of coffee brewing (what did we do before our coffee machine with a timer on it?), open all the blinds to let the sunlight fill the house with a warm glow, and sip on our coffee while going through emails or reading a book. It’s been a ritual we didn’t even mean to start, but are now realizing we’re loving, and it’s become our favorite part of the day. Truthfully, mornings have always been our favorite, but they’ve become especially important to us the last month.

The sun rises in the front of our house which means our whole living room is flooded with light first thing in the morning. It’s even more prominent in the winter time, and with a fire going and a cup of coffee in hand, those first few minutes in the morning have the power to set the tone for the rest of the day.


We realize we’re speaking from a place of privilege by having the option of sleeping in each morning. So many people don’t have that luxury; risking their lives to go to work every day to support themselves and their families. And then there are others who are able to work from home and still have to wake up at their regular time. We know we’re fortunate in this situation, but the truth is we’ve worked from home together for a year now, and before that, PJ has been working from home for the past 7 years, so it’s something we’re used to.

But when we got the kiddos back full time at the end of last year, we were waking up around 6:30a every morning to make them breakfast and get them ready for school. Early mornings became part of our routine and they were our new normal, and that was okay, because it made sleeping in a little longer on the weekends something to look forward to. But now that school is canceled for the rest of the school year (maybe the rest of the entire year?) that’s changed, and with the kids going to bed a little later than they were when they were in school, they like sleeping in a tad bit longer, too.


Now that we get to sleep about and hour and a half longer, it’s been making ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Speaking from our experience only, it’s been a small luxury to have the opportunity to sleep in, and again, we know so many aren’t in that same boat. How late do you sleep in? Are you able to do it more now or is it business as usual in the A.M. for you?

Wishing you all a good night’s sleep, even when so many of us have restless minds right now, no matter how late you get to sleep in in the morning. xx

PS: our new YouTube video.

Celebrating Friday Eve

How to Put It Into Words

How to Put It Into Words