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An Important (Pointless) Quarantine Poll: Red or White?

An Important (Pointless) Quarantine Poll: Red or White?


For years we’ve been strictly red and no one could tell us any differently (we wouldn’t hear it!). But lately…

We’ve been enjoying white wine more and more. It all started last winter when it began to get dark at 5:30p and there was not much more to do than cook dinner, listen to Bossa Nova, and have a glass (or two) of wine. For whatever reason, as the temperature outside got colder, our choice in wine did, too, and we started liking the taste of white more than red. What changed?

So now for the past 5 months we’ve been almost strictly white, with the rare exceptions every now and then. The good thing is white wine = less headaches! The bad news is we’re not getting the supposed health benefits from drinking red wine. We still have deep love for our favorite red, 7 Moons, a delicious and smooth blend, but every other wine has taken a back seat to our current favorite: a boxed Chardonnay. Since the pandemic started, it’s all we’ve been drinking (you get four bottles in one box!), and with temperatures rising and summer just around the corner, we don’t see us switching anytime soon.

As the title of this post says, it’s a pointless topic that serves no purpose other than documenting our recent switch. But, because we’re home and aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, we’re curious: what about you? Do you prefer red or white? xx


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The Best Mixed Bean Soup Recipe Ever

The Longing for Space & Release in the Time of COVID 19

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