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A Most Productive Night



Most nights are, especially here lately (and after the kiddos are in bed), spent in front of the TV watching Netflix with a glass of wine as we unwind from the day. But for some reason, last night was different, and we felt like actually being productive before catching up on the latest episode of The Outsider. So that’s exactly what we did.

PJ has been working on repurposing an old bathroom cabinet from our last flip house (that we just sold) that we took out of it FIVE YEARS AGO and it just sat in the basement for FIVE YEARS doing absolutely nothing. It goes without saying we’re so excited to finally be able to use it, especially in our laundry room, which we never officially finished after moving in, and as looked cluttered and messy for three years. It’s technically a finished room, we just never installed cabinets for storage, so everything lands on the floor and the floor is where it stays. We have big plans to finish the laundry room out, all while using repurposed cabinetry and a little DIY magic. Can’t wait!!

While all of this was going on (and the oldest kiddo was watching PJ work), Thomas was in the kitchen chopping and sautéing and making beef stew for dinner tonight. Actually getting a day’s head start on dinner for the next day because Monday’s are stressful enough without having to worry about what to cook is reason enough to call last night a productive night.

After all of that, we finally settled in on the couches and caught up on our show. That is, until the middle kiddo woke up, was wide awake, and wasn’t going back to sleep any time soon. So we brought him downstairs for a little one on one time in the living room, complete with a late-night dinner (with chips and salsa! - his favorite) session with Alyster (who he calls kitty-kitty).


Hope you had a great night too, friends. xx

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