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A Few Monday Things

A Few Monday Things


On perhaps the wettest and dreariest Monday in existence, let’s see what we can be grateful for today instead of being frustrated with how things have actually gone.

Baby girl started her first day of school today! And she didn’t cry when we dropped her off this morning, which we were holding our breath for her not to do. We met with her teachers last week and there were also plenty of fun toys for her to play with, so we think she felt comfortable in her new classroom (thank goodness). Someone DID cry, though, and it was her older brother (middle kiddo) who is not yet in school, and had to see us drop both his brother and his sister off this morning while he had to go back home with us. Womp womp. He mainly cried, though, because he wanted to stay in her classroom and play with all of the cool toys.


Both schools were let out early because of possible flooding due to all of the enormous amounts of rain we’ve been having lately. It’s pretty bad here, but we know a lot of people here have it a lot worse, especially for people out in the county whose back roads are completely flooded, leaving many of them stranded.

Another bright spot today is getting to enjoy the leftover spice cake we made last night for the small Oscars party we had! Sometimes box cakes can be delicious and pretty to look at, too, can’t they?


Today wasn’t the greatest, due to things that were out of our hands, but a big part of that was also because of the nonstop, freezing rain that poured down all day. However, because we work from home and we technically didn’t have anything due today, it allowed us to amp up the cozy factor all day, with the fire going, multiple cups of coffee, and lounging around the house. Today was one of those days where we felt extremely grateful to make our own schedule and have a slow, relaxing Monday.

It’s 9 o’clock at night as we’re typing this and guess what? It’s still pouring down rain. Cats and dogs. We’re about to start Cheer on Netflix. Have you seen it? It seems like it’s popping up everywhere on social media and people can’t stop talking about how good it is. Let’s see if it lives up to the hype!

Have a great week, friends.

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