Hey you

Welcome to our blog. Here you’ll find daily dispatches and all the musings of our family’s adventures in our small town as we raise our kids, fix up our farm, and renovate houses. Thanks for stopping by! We’re so glad you’re here.

The Week of Christmas


AKA the busiest week ever.

Wow friends. What a week. What a month. WHAT A YEAR. I haven’t updated on here in a bit because we have been so busy lately. In truth, though, who hasn’t? We watched Bad Moms Christmas on Netflix the other day (hilarious and raunchy and fun- highly recommend) and their whole point was how hard and stressful the holidays were on parents (moms specifically) in order to make it fun and easy for their kids, and it made me laugh. Isn’t that the truth?

Though, for us, it’s been a balance of getting all of our work done before Christmas and handling contractors for our flip houses as well as focusing on the holidays to make this time of the year extra special for the kiddos. This is the first year they’re spending solely with us (!) and we are so excited to have them wake up on Christmas in their home, in their beds, and come down the stairs for breakfast. It’s something we’ve thought about maybe 100 times over the years: what that feeling and moment will be like.

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We were fortunate enough to get all of our work done a few days ago, just in time to enjoy Christmas with the kids. I also finished older brother’s school so he is officially out for Christmas break. We made the decision not to send him to in-person school next semester, so come January it starts all over again. Can you actually hear me soaking up the next few weeks of no kindergarten? I am. And it will be glorious.

Like I said, I don’t know if we have ever been busier than we are right now. A bunch of you have been leaving some really sweet comments on our recent YouTube videos saying we need to slow down and take it easy for a while. With the cottage and the new flip house and Holiday House and the pavilion on the land and the land in general, plus social media (sidetone: who knew social media would be a job one day, and such a tedious, time-consuming job at that!) and our animals and the kiddos, along with general house work and cooking, etc., it is quite a lot to say the least. But I am learning that, as we get into a rhythm and a routine and we settle into things, this is just how we do life. We don’t know any other way. We dove head first into the kiddos, going from 0 to 3 overnight, and we’ve had at least one steady project for the last five years now. I suppose we like staying busy. It makes the down time so, so, so enjoyable.


Right now it’s extremely cold outside, so we have the fire going, the Christmas lights on, the kids are in bed, and we’re eating popcorn and drinking some wine. This is the down time I am talking about when we’re able to relax and enjoy doing nothing. We went on a frenzy tonight and cleaned the house that has sadly been neglected this week, with clothes and paperwork piling up like you wouldn’t believe. We’re hitting it hard tomorrow, too, with sheets and dog beds to wash, rugs to vacuum, and clothes to put away. People always ask how we keep our house so clean, but remember, people usually only show the highlights, the good angles of their life. This happens to be the case with our house haha. Honestly, it’s not ever out of control, but it does get messy, cluttered, and dusty from time to time. That’s what days like today are for.

Are you always busier this time of year, too? Is that part of what makes this season so wonderful anyway? Sending you so much love (and virtual hugs), and we hope you have a wonderful holiday, however you’re spending it this year. I know it looks and feels different for so many right now. You’re not alone. xoxo.

Feeling Calm & Relaxed at the Land

The Creamiest, Coziest Potato Soup Ever