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PJ’s New Obsession


For the last few weeks, PJ has been browsinghigh and low for items that we need (and some we don’t) on his favorite new obsession: Facebook Marketplace. He’s already bought over 700 items (!) on it in the last month and I’m not kidding or exaggerating (more on that in a bit).

Have you ever used it? It’s like Craigslist but in my opinion ten times better and I, for some reason, have it in my mind that it’s safer. You can search for and buy almost anything you want all within the Facebook app. It’s kind of genius. PJ has been addicted to it lately and comes to me almost daily now with a question that goes something like, “What do we think of this?”

His latest score is this white IKEA Ektorp slipcovered sectional. They retail for $800 and he found this one for $200! Isn’t that crazy? We’ve been looking for a sectional or U-shaped couch for the landing area at the top of the stairs for three years, so as soon as he saw this we knew where we wanted it to go. Of course, there’s always the glaring fact that we rearrange furniture in our house like it’s our job so it could very well be in a different spot by next week 😂.

He also found that ginormous painting above the couch on Marketplace for $35. It’s hard to tell from the picture but it is so big that it barely fit in the back of PJ’s truck. We love how moody and haunting it is, and how it fills the previously, extremely bare and empty spot between the two sconces.

So far I’m counting over 700 items he’s bought on FB Marketplace. If you follow us on Instagram than you already know that he bought over 700 trees and bushes and shrubs the other day for literally pennies. It was wild. He drove over 2 hours one way to get them and I wish you could have seen my face when he brought them home (again, if you follow us on IG than you likely already did) because I couldn’t believe my eyes. BUT they’re all for our land and the development of it, so it was really such a good deal that we would have been foolish to pass up.

So there you have it! PJ’s new obsession. I wonder what he’ll get next?

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